Using the Quick Add Entry

The Quick Add Entry is the fastest way to create a new task. The Quick Add Entry field is located below the Task Browser.

Create a New Task Using the Quick Add Entry

To add a task, type the task's title in the entry field and press Enter. Spaces are allowed when entering a title. The task is immediately available in the Task Browser. If a tag is selected in the Sidebar before you create the task in the Quick Add Entry, the tag will be applied to the task you created.

Quick Add Entry

Adding Dates and Tags to Tasks Using the Quick Add Entry

You can also create a task in the Quick Add Entry and at the same time specify its tags, start date, and due date. Follow the below syntax to add these options:


When using "tags:", you can apply as many tags as you want using a comma as a separator (do not put a space between any of those tags). You can also use individual "@" tags, even in combination with the tags, if you want to have the tag as part of the task title.

due:date or start:date

Use GTG's natural date parsing syntax to assign a start and due date in a variety of formats. See Using the Date and Keyword Parsing Syntax for more information.

Quick Add Entry Examples

The following examples show the result of adding this syntax to the Quick Add Entry field.

return book

Creates a new task with the title return book. No tags, start date, or due date are added.

buy groceries tags:purchases,personal

Creates a new task with the title buy groceries and with the tags purchases and personal. No start date or due date are added.

write a book start:someday

Creates a new task with the title write a book and with the start date of someday. No tags or due date are added.

buy stationary for the @office tags:purchases,errands start:tuesday due:20200330

Creates a new task with the title buy stationary for the @office, with the tags office, purchases and errands, with the due date March 30, 2020, and a start date of next Tuesday.

call mum about the broken @phone tags:family due:sunday start:tomorrow

Creates a new task with the title call mum about the broken @phone, with the tags family and phone, with the due date of next Sunday, and the start date tomorrow.